Empowering Communities for Resilience: Crafting Effective Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Local Government Areas. Together, we’re building safer, more adaptable communities through strategic planning and proactive measures.”
WEIN with funding from Oxfam LINE Project, facilitated the development of Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation DRR/CCA mitigation plan for Ningi and Darazo LGAs of Bauchi state. The plan is critical for building resilience and minimizing impact from natural harzards. In a community-focused DRR and CCA mitigation plan, several key activities ware typically undertaken: Risk assessment and mapping, community awareness and trainings, infrastructure improvement, sustainable practices, energy response planning, ecosystem management etc.
Involving local stakeholders in planning and decision-making process to ensure that the measures are relevant and effective
This activity collectively aim to reduce vulnerability to disasters and adapts to changing climate conditions, ultimately enhancing community resilience and sustainability.